Solar Panel Installation

Installing solar panel help to save in electric bill, and it helps to reduce pollution while generating energy. Solar systems are made up of solar panels, and it produces DC electricity from sunlight. Then the inverter will convert the generated electricity into AC.

To select the type of solar panel we need depend on a variety of factors that include space we have, money to spend for the solar panel. The solar panel can be of different price and the less efficient types of solar panels are more affordable. But it requires a more solar panel to compensate for their lags in efficiency. Also important to know that the place we live has enough sunlight. Mainly three types of solar panels we can find and they are monocrystalline silicon solar panels, polycrystalline silicon solar panels, and thin-film solar cells. Monocrystalline silicon solar panels are most efficient but they are more expensive than thin-film solar cells. Thin-film solar cells are less expensive, but it needs lots of space to install more panels to get better benefit. Polycrystalline silicon solar panels are generally lower efficient than monocrystalline, but it has a low price.

Installation process

When installing solar panel it’s good to hire a professional to get the best route. Because proper installation and positioning are helpful to get a maximum return on investment. The installation starts by prepping roof and making sure that the shingles or tiles are properly attached. Then put electrical wiring that will be connected to the electric panel and the general system. After completing the connection process of electric wire, then install racking to support the panels. Once the racking is leveled and safely attaches then the panels are placed into the racking. Finally, the inverter is connected to the panel, and it helps to convert direct current(DC) energy into alternating current(AC) energy.

Installing a monitoring system in a computer or other device helps to check the solar system performance. It makes easy to check how much electricity is generating at a different time and we can schedule the use of electronic devices. Solar panels require only little maintenance. It is important to maintain solar panel clean and confirm that nothing is blocking them from efficient absorption of sunlight. Be careful in self-cleaning and use a garden hose to wash the face of the panels. Avoid spraying cold water while they are hot because it can make damage to the panels. Also, we can use a sponge with soapy water to scrub them if it needs more cleaning. Or we can take help from the professional services to clean the panels.


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