Commercial Solar Panel

Solar energy is a reliable and renewable energy source. It is the cleanest type of energy so that it is pollution free and reduces the country’s carbon emissions. Commercial buildings need a large amount of energy and they depend on electricity for most of their energy consumption needs. By installing solar panels it is much helpful to get enough energy sources from the sun and it can bring down the operating costs of the company for the coming decades.
A solar panel helps to reduce and save on utility bills. Many businesses are choosing to install solar at their facilities. Installing rooftop solar panels to generate solar energy for commercial buildings is a great way to get more environment-friendly energy.
 Commercial Solar Panel

Types of commercial solar system

Solar technology is helpful for most of the companies to save cost through solar electricity.

Solar carport systems
It allows helps to make use of large parking areas more useful. This system produces electricity while providing shading and covered parking. It will be an elegant solution for people who want to increase energy production.

Flat rooftop systems
It is most of the business owners choose and there are three main options in this system. They are attached, ballasted or a hybrid of the two. The choice of this system will depend on the roof, the building construction model and the structural engineering analysis. An attached system depends on penetrations in the surface of the roof and connections to the framing. A ballasted system depends on the weight of the system that includes the panels, racking and other materials, to hold the array down. A hybrid system is considered with a minimally attached system and it requires a combination of both penetrations and ballasting.

Slanted rooftop systems
It accomplishes all types of roofs including slanting rooftop. If these roofs composed of metal, composition shingle, wood shingle, or even Spanish tile then this system will be much helpful.

Ground-mounted systems
It is a cost-effective option for business they didn’t have the options to install solar panels at the rooftop. If enough land is available for the business owner then it is easy to design an effective way to produce enough electricity. Main two type of ground mount is standard ground mounts and pole mounts.

Tracker systems
It is designed to increase energy production as the motors move the panels to follow the sun. Mostly single axis system and dual axis system are used. This system allows consumers to get more kilowatt-hours per panel. It is more expensive to install and maintains compare to a typical solar system.

Artistic systems
In this system, the solar panel is arranged into creative, beautiful arrays that are the best way to convey a message without sacrificing energy production. Many of the big farms try to do these kinds of solar system. It is more customized and unique so that the cost for the design or installation will rise.

Utility-scale systems
Generating large amount for clean energy and it can be sold to the utility buyers. It is the best way to reduce carbon emission and it is beneficial to both environmental and economical.

Using solar energy for a commercial building can be helpful for the income generation by sold the excess energy and also save money on power bills.


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